
When a word starts with a capital letter,
it usually has a special meaning.

For example, the Creation represents the seven days that God created the world.
The meaning is more than something was created.
In addition, on the seventh day in the story, God rests.
The day is called the Sabbath, that's why christians go to church on Sunday.

Why is it important to mention?
Most Americans are religious, and some christian schools struggle whether they should teach students the Creation or evolution? The notion of where human beings come from is different in two versions.
If evolution is taught, and then it conflicts with the Creation.
Many people truthly believe that God created human beings.
Therefore, it is a big problem for Americans.

In 1925, a teacher in Tennessee supported and taught evolution,
then he was accused of violation of the Butler Act.
What is the Butler Act?
It is an act that prohibiting the teaching of the Evolution Theory in all the Universities.
From this event, it shows how religion affects America.
The same situation is not going to happen in Taiwan, is it?

Personally, I tend to believe in both, the Creation and evolution.

From a scientific point of view, fossils show evidences that creatures have the process to develop new species, 
and it is the possible way to explain how human beings come from apes.
However, there are still gaps between one to the other species, it seems that a changed happened suddenly and the old species and the new species existed at the same time.
As time goes by, nature will pick up the one who can survivie.
Therefore, what causes the change remains a question.
Apes and human beings do share many similarites, but does it prove that human beings today come directly from them?
I doubit it. 
General speaking, when there is no new theory to prove the origin, evolution is a logic and reasonable explanation.

From a historical point of view, stories always reveal some sort of truth. 
In history class, students are taught that legends are not legends only;
lengends wouldn't be made up from the air, they might reflect the situation at that period of time.
In the past, when people encountered unordinary events, 
they might try to record what happened with exaggerated expression.
Or when they encountered things they could not explain, 
they would use mystery force or spiritual reasons to explain them.
Therefore, evens did happen but decorated with super nature expressions.
In addition, the description of the Creation has many similarities with the description of the begining in other areas.
If there were not such things happened at that time, tjere would not be much coincidence. 

Maybe scientists can use the Creation and other legends as a clue to decode the evolution.

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