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Well, a month passed, I have been busy and lazy. XD

Today, I drank a cup of coffee, and I thought I could stay up. Actually, I have stayed up  for a period of time already. Because of work, I never went to bed before 12 a.m. for the last two weeks. Now is 3:22 a.m., why do I stay up so late now? It is not because of the coffee, but a journal. 

Writing in English reminds me that I didn't update the blog for a while. Therefore, here I comes. Today's subject is "dork out." I learned it from my customer. It is a slang, you can't find it in the regular dictionary. You might get the meaning of "dork" but not "dork out."

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It has been a long time that I didn't talked about English terms. After graduating from School, I have learned many terms related to the culture or life mostly, not academic terms anymore. 

I chose an occupation which seems to have no connection with my major, and I happened to learn something more fun and might help me in the future. My friend, Ayoko, said that involving in different fields will help you expand life experience and contribute to future students. Becuase of her advice, instead of being a teacher, I go for something else and wish my life will be fullfilled.

As a business reporter, I visited restaurants and catering very often recently. At one of the catering, a wedding event, I have learned the words, head table. What does it mean? A head on the table? Come on, of course not. 

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Sushi is popular in California, so there are many Japanese restaurants around the bay area. 

Last month, I went to a Japanese restaurant with my friends, and we were arguing some terms of sushi in English. Basically,  terms of sushi are borrowed directly from Japanese unless there are similar ways of saying in English. 

The term we were arguing is Nigiri. In my lexicon, nigiri is a slice raw fish or other meat on the top of a clump of rice. In Mandarin, it will be 握壽司. However, my friend insisted that nigiri is some vegetables, rice and meat wrapped in a piece of seaweed. In Mandarin, it will be 手捲.

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I made a joke in the past. I didn’t remember where I got the words from, and I misunderstood the meaning.

The first meaning of the words I got is lying down; however, with the verb, “get,” it gets a deeper meaning. “Get laid” refers to have sex with someone. 

Forgot how long ago, I went out with a male friend. On the way to the restaurant, I told my friend that I was tired that I want to get laid. (At that moment, I thought the meaning of the phrase is to lay your body on a flat position.) My friend shocked and asked me what I said again. 

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I have learned this word from teaching. No wonder that teaching is another kind of learning, and I did learn a lot from teaching, more than I expected.

Actually, people might not use the word very often in a daily conversation. At least, I don't hear it very often. However, there might be more chances that people see the word than hearing the word. 

The word is often used in a supermarket or a deli store. 

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Hi, this is Miss Last Minute speaking. 

Yes! I am that kind of person who always finishes everything at the very last minute, and that's why I got my name Miss Last Minute. 

Why I can't finish everything in advance is because I always PROCRASTINATE. 

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I have a friend, whose name is Cherri. I always thought her name cute. One day, she told me that her boss suggested changing her name because Cherri usually refers to something bad in American culture.

I felt weird because I don't know what's the problme with the name, and then I wondered whether it rould just be a single case or an actual cultural thougt.

A few days ago, I watech a move, The Brave One, and heard an actors who played a bad guy said the name. 

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One of my close friend had complained that smoking smells so bad and is unhealthy, and then he is addicted to cigars. The other friend  who wants to quit never quits. Then, my lovely brother sometimes smokes too. I wonder why and how because I had never smoke until I was 25. That's why I want to be in thier shoes. 

I want to know how attractive smoking is and why they can't resist it.

Obviously, I didn't like smoking. I have tried smoking several times, different flavors, and I can't fall in love with it. But, somehow, I know how my friends felt,. There are many reasons for smoking, but most people start with a try, and then a try becomes an addiction.

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Christmas in 2007 pasted, and New Year in 2008 is coming. Everyone seems to be happy about the coming holidays, especially children. They love the holiday season because they receive a lot of gifts on Christmas. It is just like how Taiwaness children feel when they receive a lot of red envolopes.

Yesterday, I walked on the sidewalk to Blockbuster, a man walking toward me said, "Merry Christmas!" I responded to him as well, "Merry Christmas!."

However, when you go to a shopping mall or other public places, you might hear "Happy Holiday." Some people really want to be political correct, so they replace " Merry Christmas" with " Happy Holiday."

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When I was interviewing my ex-teacher, the building rattled again. It happened in the afternoon around 3:30.

"Is this a aftershock?," asked by another teacher. 

Oh! Even I didn't learn the word, aftershock, I immediately got it. The meaning of aftershock is that a smaller earthquake happens after a large one. It is pretty easy to understand even through the word itself. Something happens after a shock(earthquake).

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I have been played batminton for a while due to my classmate's invitation, then I started to play it every week.

Before I play batminton, I only took one course in college. I still remembered that the instructor was the most handsome PE teacher in my college, and I believe that most of students took the course because of him. XD

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While I was on the train to somewhere in Chicago, I saw a slogan on the wall. The slogan is so good that I really want to share with you.

" Get a better mover less than the cost of a friendship."

I still remembered that the slogan is printed in orange color on the white paper and next to a person who is smiling. Can you guess what is this advertisment for? 

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 I have mention Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the new project for deciding new Seven Wonders. The result of the new project cames out recently.

As I have bet, Great Wall is one of Seven Wonders. Where populated a great amount of people, where comes a Wonder, this is a phenomenon I observe.

The following are the rest of others, the order is picked at random.

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  • Sep 16 Sun 2007 23:25
  • Klutzy

Klutzy, I am Klutzy!

Recently, my brain didn't work at all. I rarely remembered what is written on my schedule. I properly have too much fun this summer. XD

My friend told me that he doesn't like klutzy girls, and I thought, well, then half of girls might be classified into that catergory. I am not saying that girls are klutzy, but many girls do describe themslves as a kluzty person. 

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  • Aug 26 Sun 2007 23:58
  • Dating

What Dating means for some Americans is a cultural shock to me!

Why do I say "some Americans?" I still believe that not all Americans will agree the idea which I am going to talk about later, especially American women.

This summer, I met an American who is dating with a girl and still call her "a friend" while the girl introduces him "my boyfriend." That guy thinks that they are dating doesn't mean that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and a person can be dating with more than one person.

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The title is from spanish, it's meaning is the fifth of May, a mexican festival. Mexicans go crazy on this day.

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, and there was a parade this morining.  I went downtown this afternoon and went home around 8:15, it was very quite in downtown. A couple who walked face to me said, "It is very nice right now." Then, I stood on the 1st street and waited for 10 mins, I didn't see anyone waiting for the bus here. Therefore, I realized that there was not going to be any bus coming.

I checked a board on the tree, it said that the route would be different due to Cinco de Mayo and please wait on  Market street. Then, I walked on the Market street stood for another ten mintues. The main streets were blocked by the plicemen, it really looked like a ghost town, like no one lives there.

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Before reading this airticle, could you answer the following question both in English and Chinese.
"Where is the pig?"

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(In a conference)
A: Are you all right? Are you sure that you don't want to go to the restroom?
B: It is alright, only 5 mins left. I am holding it.
(The lecture endes.)
B: I really gotta go, see you at the front door. (Rushes to the restroom)

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