When I was interviewing my ex-teacher, the building rattled again. It happened in the afternoon around 3:30.

"Is this a aftershock?," asked by another teacher. 

Oh! Even I didn't learn the word, aftershock, I immediately got it. The meaning of aftershock is that a smaller earthquake happens after a large one. It is pretty easy to understand even through the word itself. Something happens after a shock(earthquake).

I was expecting aftershocks last night, there should be some aftershocks right after the main earthquake. However, it was so peaceful last night. Then, aftershock happened this afternoon. 

After earthquake, people make fun of it via asking where the worst place to be during earthquake is. I found many interesting answers. Someone said "library." Indeed, I went to library today, floors above fifth were closed. At first, we were not sure that whether the elevator or the whole floor are closed, and then the librarian told us that the whole floors above fifth were closed because bookshelfs were collapsed.

An place related to library is bookstore, and we went to  a bookstore last night after dinner. When I thought over again, I felt like that I was out of mind. I was so dump that asking others to go to the bookstore with me. If aftershock had happened last night, we would have been knocked out by tons of books from the shelf. Books can be deadly during earthquake. XD

Another person said, "at office when a dentist is drilling your teeth." That's really horrible. Then, I am thinking of a plastic surgery. If the doctor's hand shocks, then the purpose of getting a plastic surgery will be ironic. 

Another type of answers is also funny. There is one person mentioned that having sex in bed and getting close to exploding. You don't know whether you should stop for a second or keep going. (Although keep going might be the most common reaction people have. XDDD) When I reviewed those answers, I found that people are really creative in imagining different situations. XD

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    L'amore e cieco

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