It has been a long time that I didn't talked about English terms. After graduating from School, I have learned many terms related to the culture or life mostly, not academic terms anymore. 

I chose an occupation which seems to have no connection with my major, and I happened to learn something more fun and might help me in the future. My friend, Ayoko, said that involving in different fields will help you expand life experience and contribute to future students. Becuase of her advice, instead of being a teacher, I go for something else and wish my life will be fullfilled.

As a business reporter, I visited restaurants and catering very often recently. At one of the catering, a wedding event, I have learned the words, head table. What does it mean? A head on the table? Come on, of course not. 

In wedding, head table is usually for the bride and groom. and it is a small rounded table. Some occasions, you might see there are bride's and groom's parents or important relatives sit nearby them. Therefore, the head table can be a samll rounded table, or a rectangle table.

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