I made a joke in the past. I didn’t remember where I got the words from, and I misunderstood the meaning.
The first meaning of the words I got is lying down; however, with the verb, “get,” it gets a deeper meaning. “Get laid” refers to have sex with someone.
Forgot how long ago, I went out with a male friend. On the way to the restaurant, I told my friend that I was tired that I want to get laid. (At that moment, I thought the meaning of the phrase is to lay your body on a flat position.) My friend shocked and asked me what I said again.
Although, I didn’t know what happened, but I could tell something is wrong about my words. Therefore, I tried to use other words to express my meaning again. Later on I heard the phrase on the Sex and the City. According to the words in the context, I understood the meaning immediately. Then, it reminded me what happened on that day. I felt so embarrassed.
I told this joke to the other friend. She is a native speaker of English, and she told me that she sometimes has the same problems as I do. Then, she recommended me a dictionary-Urban Dictionary. If you are not sure about the meaning of a phrase, use it as a reference.