這是一部令人驚豔的影片, 從劇情的走向與人物刻畫的方式都讓人印象深刻。

上孤狗大神查了一下資料才發現來頭不小!獨立製片,贏得多項國際大獎,締造了可觀票房。演員陣容也不容小覷,有四十歳處男的Steve Carell,愛你在心裡口難開Greg Kinnear,偷穿高跟鞋的Toni Collette,資深演員Alan Arkin,新生代演員Abigail Breslin與Paul Dano。導演則是有名的夫妻檔Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris,拍攝了許多音樂錄影帶及廣告,首部電影處女作就獲各方好評。

劇情很簡單,就是全家陪著小女孩(Abigail Breslin)參加在加州舉辦的Little Miss Sunshine選美小小姐比賽。開著黃色的福斯麵包車,經過遙遠路途到達加州參賽的過程。

之前看麥迪遜之前的時候,就深覺餐桌真是表現家庭最好的場景。這部片更是有效的利用了餐桌間的談話將家庭成員的個性表露無疑,到現在我還對於飾演爺爺的Alan Arkin滿嘴髒話的出場念念不忘,總之是絕不可錯過的一幕。對於新生代演員Paul Dano 的無聲演出,以及情緒崩潰的表演,深覺是個明日之星。跟唱歌一樣,唱得好的人很多,有特色的人卻很少,Paul Dano 不單演技不錯,面貌也很有特色,這是我欣賞他的原因。至於演出四十歲處男的Steve Carell,初看時我竟然認不出他來,只能說他的戲路還挺有趣的。

人家說家有一老,如有一寳,這話對照爺爺這個角色正如其份。看似豪邁粗野的爺爺反而在家人情緒低潮時,適時吐露些很有智慧的人生箴言安慰人心。例如小女孩在猶豫爸爸所提及的身材問題而不打算吃冰淇淋時,爺爺適時告訴小女孩,I like women with meat on their bone.

What ever happens, you tried to do something on your own...and which is more than most people ever do and I inclulde myself in that category. You took a big chance. That took guts, and I'm proud of you.

Oliber: Grandpa, am I pretty?
Grandpa: You are the most beautiful girl in the world.
O: You're just saying that.
G: No! I'm madly in love wiht you and it's not because of your brains or your personality. You are beautiful inside and out.

從電影中可以發現他們的這一趟旅程多災多難,在旅程的終點,導演透過Frank 與 Dwayne 兩叔侄的對話對於苦難(suffering)下了一個定義。人生的苦難或許成就你的助力,如果有心要做什麼,你會找到方法去做的。

Frank: Anyway, he gets down to the end of his life...and he looks back and decides that all those uears he suffered-those were the best years of his life. 'cause they made him who he was. All the years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn't learn a thing . Sp, if you sleep until your're 18...ah, think of the suffering you're gonna miss. I mean, high school? High school- those are your prime suffering years. You don't get better suffering than that.

Dwayne: You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, than work? Fuck that. And fuck the air force academy. If I wanna fly, I will find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest.

小記:朋友說,口語要像美國人,那麼就請多多使用fuck吧! 看看Dwayne部分,裡頭有多少個fuck啊。

中文譯名:小太陽的願望 (Little Miss Sunshine)

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